Instead of pouring funds for RH bill...

We have gone through all sorts of presidents, senators, congressmen,
who are popular, intelligent, who promise not to be corrupt, and so
on. Yet how come we are not yet satisfied with the condition of our
country? Why are there still so many poor Filipinos?
Many solutions have been proposed, but whatever the solutions may be,
they have to be pro-God, pro-family, and helpful to the poor. This is
the problem with the Reproductive Health (RH) bill being pushed by
certain congressmen and senators.

Let us not be deceived by politicians who are in favor of the RH bill
because it will only serve to worsen our current problems, due to the
reasons enumerated below:

1. Instead of using taxpayers' money for free education until college,
funds will be utilized to print textbooks and purchase materials that
will be used to teach "sex education" to our children starting from
Grade 5 and continuing to high school. Instead of teaching children
discipline and temperance in waiting for marriage before engaging in
sex, they will just be given condoms and pills, the use of which will
be taught in schools. What will be the future of the Filipino family?
In countries where such measures have been implemented, divorce is
widespread and children are often raised in incomplete, single parent

2. Instead of using limited taxpayer resources to provide free
medicines for combatting deadly diseases such as cancer, diabetes,
heart diseases, lung diseases, etc., the money will be used to
purchase contraceptives which the bill calls "essential medicines". It
is as if pregnancy is thought of as a disease. Side effects of pills,
such as the increased risk of cancer for women, are not mentioned.
Pills may also cause the spontaneous abortion of a newly fertilized
embryo (abortifacient effect). Pills should not be spread, even if
they have the side effect of whitening the skin. And despite the push
for condoms to combat AIDS, countries where condom use is widespread
(such as Thailand) also experience high AIDS prevalence. Let us not be
carried away by popular actors who push for these measures, for family
integrity and bodily health are more important.

3. Instead of helping the poor in finding and providing for
livelihood, taxpayer money will be used to sterilize the poor in our
society. It's as if they are saying that the poor are inherently
irresponsible for having children. We should plan in order to
determine how many children we are able to raise. We also know that
children are blessings from God. If the Lord blesses us with many
children, it does not mean that we are irresponsible. However we need
to work hard and hopefully the government will also be there to help
us raise our children and allocating large sums of money for this
instead of the RH bill.

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