“I lost my motivation

“I lost my motivation” is what a participant at one of our personal development workshops said when we asked her why her dreams haven’t come true yet.


When we say, “I lost my motivation” it usually comes from three things:



Start to pay attention where your thoughts roam. Do you think about your dream and how great it will be to live it? If you are like many of us, probably not.


You are likely thinking about all the reasons why the dream won’t work, why you are not good enough, or maybe you get jealous of others who did get their dream. Well it’s no wonder you aren’t “feeling motivated” by the dream.


A cure to conquering the negative inner dialogue is writing out your dreams.  Read them out loud and visualize them when you are reading them and feel it in your body.


2.) You have no direction or plan.


Sometimes, when you feel no motivation, it’s because you haven’t done the thinking and planning of HOW to get to where you want to be.  If you feel unmotivated in your life, create a 1-year and a 5-year plan... Write down goals and what you need to do in order to achieve them.  


Hire a life coach if you are feeling stuck in this area.  It helps to have experienced coaches help you see what sometimes is too personal for us to see.


3.   You are not looking after your health.


Check in with yourself.  Are you getting enough sleep?  Are you feeding yourself nutritional foods?  Are you drinking enough water?  Are you taking some time off to be in nature and reconnection with peace?  Are you breathing deeply enough?  These are all imperative to helping you stay on track to feeling your best and when we feel great, we are motivated to do what it takes to feel even better!


If you’ve been feeling like you lost your motivation, which one of the above issues might be at play? How will you combat it?



To a Motivated Positive Life,

The IALP team

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