Restart Your Brain: ADHD-Friendly Tools for Handling Emotional Stress


Restart Your Brain: ADHD-Friendly Tools for Handling Emotional Stress

Four faces experiencing emotional stress and one happy face

1. The Tool of Acceptance

2. The Tool of Mindfulness

3. The Tool of Humor

4. The Tool of Intuition

5. The Tool of Imagination

6. The Tool of Strategic, Therapeutic Daydreaming

ESP: Daydreaming on Steroids

  1. Find a little spare time — 10 to 20 minutes.
  2. Stop what you’re doing. Begin to slow your thoughts.
  3. Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Imagine experiencing a sense of peace.
  4. Now begin to see an island or any other geographic feature, created by you, for you. It doesn’t have to be an island. It can be a galaxy far, far away or a tiny, magical closet, or a fairy garden. Think about positive experiences you’ve had, in places where you felt peaceful or serene. Remember times when all of your cares slipped away.
  5. Use the senses that most appeal to you — your sense of smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste. Tap into your senses to find what you need to nurture your soul. The more you use your senses, the stronger the neural net becomes.
  6. There are no limitations in your ESP — everything is possible, and if something doesn’t feel right, it disappears. This is not a place for judgment, criticism, or harm. These concepts do not exist in your Emotional Safe Place.
  7. Feel your connection to this place. Walk down any path that appeals to you. How do these surroundings make you feel? Relaxed? Happy? Nurtured? Adventurous? This is your place. Visit whenever you want.

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