Everything counts

Are you kidding me?

Now it counts?

Its always counted.

In fact, everything counts!

   Dive for a loose ball. It counts.

   Miss that one field goal. It counts

   Make the tiniest mistake. It counts.

   Take your eye off the ball. It counts.

   Throw a ball instead of a strike. It counts.

   Following through on that swing. It counts.

   Extending your body on that play. It counts.

   Slow to help out on a double team. It counts.

   Your foot position on that pirouette. It counts.

   Finishing strong competing to the end. It counts.

   Leave the field with nothing else to give. It counts.

Every drill, every sprint, every long hour of practice leads to the
performance. It counts.

Regardless of the endeavor, every time you enter the practice or
playing filed, everything counts.

Your performance is representative of your practice, your
philosophy, and your character. It shows and it counts.

There will always be drama, heartache, triumph and heroes. The one
constant is the champions attitude, and every champion knows that
everything counts.

This is one of the many insightful lessons you will learn inside
this extraordinary new release...


Everything Counts!

Gary Ryan Blair

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