Paul Farol: Local politicians coloring themselves yellow

Dec. 25 2009 - 07:22 am
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I just learned that a bunch of local politicians in Sta. Cruz, Marinduque are going around campaigning wearing yellow shirts.  Of course, this means that these local politicians are campaigning under the banner of Noynoy Aquino.

I asked why these local politicians were supporting Noynoy Aquino for President and I learned that the local politicians were campaigning under the Noynoy Aquino banner because their political patron was supporting Noynoy Aquino. 

The political patron of the local politicians was supporting Noynoy Aquino because he figured that it would be better to side with the most likely winner of the electoral contest in 2010.  For some reasaon, the political patron thinks that he'll more easily get Internal Revenue Allotment (National Government funds apportioned to governors and mayors) as well as PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Funds or PDAF) when Noynoy Aquino wins, particularly because he campaigned for Noynoy Aquino.

Moreover, one of the local politicians explained his decision to support Noynoy Aquino this way: "Uso kasi siya eh." (He's the in thing.)  This particular local politician also said that by associating himself with a popular national candidate like Noynoy Aquino, it would enhance his image among voters in Sta. Cruz, Marinduque.  Moreover, he pointed out that his parents actually went to EDSA and supported the leadership of Cory Aquino when the EDSA uprising installed her as President.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the real political culture of Filipinos -- it is TRANSACTIONAL, it is HYPE driven.

Paul Farol: Are surveys useful to Filipino voters?

Dec. 23 2009 - 10:51 am
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Don't vote for someone just because he or she is popular.

DJ Mojo Jojo, Magic 89.9

Surveys are useless to the Filipino voter

It seems we are being smothered by surveys, but are surveys of any real use or benefit to the actual voter?

As a voter, what you really need to base your decision on are the qualifications of the candidate and his/her platform of governance - if it is at all made available.

Surveys do not give out that sort of information.  Surveys just say that one candidate is popular at the particular time that a survey is conducted. 

Surveys are actually more useful for the candidate who must know how his or her campaign is doing.  Say, for example, the candidate's survey drops significantly or increases dramatically, the survey data can be correlated with elements of the candidate's campaign.  Through surveys, candidates can gain insight into what elements in his campaign are effective, ineffective, and counter-productive. 

If his survey improves or dips and it is traced to an element like a new political ad, then it should guide the candidate's decision on whether or not to pour more money into advertising. 

Moreover, in cases where the candidate has a very good standing, publishing the results of very positive surveys gives the candidate a psychological advantage over his rivals who may have a lower ranking in the same survey. 


In a time of universal deceit,

telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

- George Orwell


Surveys are propaganda tools

Newspaper headlines and first gaps screaming that a candidate has topped one survey or another doesn't just provide publicity for the candidate, it is gives the candidate an opportunity to project himself as the most probable winner of the electoral contest. 

This, in effect, allows the candidate to claim victory long before the first ballot is actually cast.  By constantly hammering on the claim of being the frontrunner of every survey through the media, the candidate can condition the minds of voters into believing he or she is the "sure winner" in the electoral contest.  This helps create a bandwagon effect, which allows the candidate to tap the support of the less critically minded.

Choices are the hinges of destiny. 

~Attributed to both Edwin Markham and Pythagoras


My advice: BE INFORMED

The quality of any decision depends on how well informed you are. 

Perhaps it goes without saying that if you make a good decision, you're bound to achieve good results. And in order to make a good decision, you  need to figure out what your options are and then get as much information about each of the options available to you.

My good friend Magic 89.9 DJ Mojo Jojo says, don't vote for someone just because he or she is popular.  This is just like doing something because everybody else is doing it or joining a group just because everybody is joining.  That's not deciding for yourself, that's allowing others to decide for you.

As it applies to the election in 2010, it is your responsibility as a voter to get to know about each candidate.

Don't just vote for someone because some personal circumstance that they went through tugged at your heart or because their TV commercial repeatedly tells you that they will help the poor or whatever.

You have to be critical about every candidate, find out if they are telling YOU the truth by reading as much as you can about each candidate and seeing if their actions are consistent with their words.

Get to know more about what their qualifications are, look into their track record as public servants, find out about what they intend to do once they are in office,  see if they've been involved in serious misdeeds in the past, and see if they can present a clear and credible plan for doing whatever they say they'll do. EXCLUSIVE: Sen. B.S. Aquino Explains His Platform


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  • #1 by Dumatha on November 5th, 2009

    I'm an avid viewer to your site, hopefully you can make more joke pics.

  • #2 by Money Bilyar on November 8th, 2009

    Reply Quote

    Okay, Money Bilyar pretty much explained his independence in decision-making and his ability to implement those decisions, competence as a potential leader and how his story of "from rags-to-riches" tale makes him the most viable candidate to elevate the country's poverty standing. He's attacked the concept of popularity vs experience/competence head on, but nothing has been said to bail himself out on the C5 mess, his side explaining his purpose on displaying his and her wife's name on donated relief goods, ensuring his own private business won't benefit from him being president in the future as an indirect way to recover invested campaign funds, and a clear and direct stand on the RH bill. While you keep attacking the other candidates, you should expose Villar's too, as we all both deserve to know all of the candidates' shortcomings (including Villar) to aid us in voting. If you don't do this, then your site is nothing but a biased, Villar-sponsored blog site. Prove me wrong.

    • #3 by admin on November 9th, 2009

      Reply Quote

      First off, don't threaten me with "your site is nothing but a biased, Villar-sponsored blog site", asshelmet. 'Cos I'm way ahead of you. This is from September:

      Secondly, the degree of Manny V's suckitude doesn't really have much effect on the degree of Ignoy's suckitude. One vicious feudal land baron is as good as another, I suppose, but I personally think Ignoy sucks way harder, and he's actually got a much better chance of winning the election – more's the pity – so naturally, I'd rather spend my time picking on him, and you dumb UnTs who support him for no good reason at all.

      And hey, I could also point out that Big Daddy actually handed out some relief goods to put his name on, rather than meeting with criminal idiots and going to parties like you-know-who.

      Manny's kind of a bastard, I'll grant you that, but at least he's not the Manchurian Candidate. I'd prefer a better, third alternative, but if there wasn't one, I'd take the guy who was at least his own man rather than the limp, yellowish tool.

  • #4 by Dumatha on November 11th, 2009

    Reply Quote

    Hey, check-out Luskan's artwork, it's also anti-Noynoy.

    • #5 by admin on November 11th, 2009

      Reply Quote

      Thanks for the tip!

  • #6 by merian kardenas on November 15th, 2009

    Saw his latest answer to all the issues being thrown to him?

    " "Pinilipit ito ng mga naiingit pero sa palagay ko mas guwapo ako sa kanila (Envious people insist on their claims against me, but I think I'm more good-looking than them)," he added in jest, eliciting laughter from those who attended the oath-taking ceremony. "

    try the link people… n_n

  • #7 by Say Chiz Wiz on November 15th, 2009

    Two words – "Sour Losers" nyahahaha. Blah blah blah all you want – in the end Noynoy will win. And you could all reap your "soured grapes" together with your pathetic, no-chance-of-winning presidentiables.

    "Yaya yo sucha loser" – Nyahahahaha x10

    • #8 by admin on November 15th, 2009

      Whatever, dude. Blowing 20 points of poll lead in less than a month and having the mainstream media openly question his fitness to office? Hey, sounds like a winner to me. As do the words from his own mouth quoted in the comment preceding yours.

  • #9 by Cel on November 15th, 2009

    Reply Quote

    Hey, just enjoy the pics, people, and say "NO TO NOYNOY ABNOY!"
    utakngtilapia made my day! Jamby for President?


That's not autism, that's dyslexia. And apparently it's contagious.

  • Share/Bookmark Proof that people everywhere love Noynoy!

It's really kind of amazing, but all around the world people are supporting Noynoy Aquino. Just look at these examples:


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. President Obama doesn't look too sure, though — he'd better smarten up and join the yellow bandwagon soon!


Documentary film-maker Michael Moore. He's a Liberal, you know.


College basketball legend Bobby Knight. If Bob Knight says to support Noynoy, you'd better do it, or else he'll throw a chair at you.


Even babies love Noynoy!


Even if they're still fetuses!


This random skank loves Noynoy. I wonder if she knows he's still single!


Angry Man is angry. Angry because you're not supporting Noynoy!


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Tags: Noynoy’s got the circuses part covered, maybe he’ll give bread, too?


I know it says it's a free concert but Efren's participation actually makes it a sellout.

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Tags: , , , , Day 1 at LP Party Hindquarters

Dec 9


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Tags: , , Day 2 at LP Party Hindquarters


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Tags: , , Masked Rider Kabuto on Noynoy

Kabuto comments on Noynoy

Kabuto comments on Noynoy

Even a Japanese superhero has something to say about Philippine politics.

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Day 3 at LP Party Hindquarters


I'm guessing that at some point during the past week or so, Noynoy Googled "Marshall Law" to try to learn more about this guy everyone seemed to be talking about.

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By Paul Farol: A good but incompetent leader

Dec. 22 2009 - 05:30 pm
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A reader posted a comment that I think is worth taking up as a full-blown entry.

Eric wrote:


Under our present circumstance, if there is only one choice, who would you prefer, a President who has the:

A) Intellectual competence to do good things. or B) Moral will to do the right things.

To do good things and see them bear fruit to be enjoyed by the majority, one has to start doing the right things.

Otherwise, what is good will crumble under the weight of human selfishness, arrogance and greed.

It takes time and strength of character to establish a strong foundation where the institutions for good governance can blossom and responsible business for commerce can flourish, but once that is in place, doing good things--even great things--come easy.

Heck, you too Paul can become president under such conditions.

Here is my response:

Me, President? If you actually knew how I'd want to solve our country's problems, the very thought of me becoming President of the Philippines would terrify you.

As to the choices you were asking me to pick from, I think that INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCE and MORAL WILL are not mutually exclusive or opposed.  They are both necessary elements in manifesting good.

To clarify my point, we have to go into a discussion of the nature of goodness.

Where does goodness reside?  Is it in the intent (MORAL WILL) or is it in the outward manifestation (PRODUCT OF COMPETENT EFFORT)? 

Can an outwardly good be manifested with evil intent?  Can good intent lead to the manifestation of something that is outwardly evil?

Something a theology professor and a philosophy teacher taught me is that in order to do good, both the intent (MORAL WILL) and outward manifestation (COMPETENCE) must be good.

It is clear to me that one must have good intent and the competence to carry out that good intent in order to manifest something which is truly good.

Good intent alone, without the competence to carry out that intent, may actually lead to harmful consequences.

Take the case of the good leader who wants to solve poverty but doesn't have an understanding of why people are poor and doesn't know anything about the nature of poor people.

If the good leader but incompetent leader may simply equate poverty to a lack of resources (money or capital), the leader's solution may be to provide the poor with resources (money or capital). 

The poor, being poorly equipped to handle the sudden influx of resources soon finds it dissipated and they are poor again.  The leader may opt to provide the poor with resources again, but with the poor still poorly equipped to handle the resources, the same thing happens.  If the cycle is repeated, what is created  eventually is a culture of mendicancy and this is an evil consequence of what is basically an act carried out with good intent.

Of course, a good act can also be carried out with evil intent as in the case of those who intentionally create a culture of mendicancy.  This may be done so that the people, all being mendicants, are made helpless and subject to the whims and caprices of the leader.

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