Noynoy Aquino, Savior of the Philippines

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I spent the greater part of yesterday reading, and reflecting on a bit of an epiphany I had following Tuesday night's broadcast of Sentro ng Katotohanan. In a presidential campaign that features three plausible, qualified candidates, the Filipino people will inevitably pick the fourth.

Noynoy Aquino represents to the Philippines what the last generations of the old monarchs of Europe did to their countries: the result of dynastic inbreeding. Countries such as Russia, Germany, Austria, and Spain broke down under the rule of the mentally and physically defective; Noynoy Aquino may not be an actual retard or gimp, but in all other respects he exemplifies the same unfitness for rule – no qualifications aside from hereditary entitlement, no vision, no plans, completely beholden to the traditional power of the aristocracy, and a believer in his own destiny. Because the Filipino people, from top to bottom, prefer the ease of being led to the responsibility of leading, they are willing to believe in that destiny, too.

It is not only unavoidable that Noynoy Aquino will be the next President of the Philippines, it is necessary that he be elected, and by a landslide. In him lies the ultimate salvation of the country, not, as he in his unaccountable hubris believes, because he will be a good leader who will unify the people but because he will fail spectacularly. Only when this country feels the sting of a shared and bitter error, only when it is brought to ruin as a result of the people's lack of ambition, honesty, and courage will it have a chance at becoming a real democracy and a true sovereign nation. Like a willful child who will not relent from playing around the stove despite being warned of its danger, the Filipino people will not learn their lesson until they are burned. I'll keep trying to tell them to watch their fingers, of course, because to remain silent would be a disservice to the brighter, more thoughtful ones I occasionally encounter. But I no longer hope to change or deflect the catastrophic course this country is on; my only hope is that I and people like me can find enough of the bright and thoughtful who can be inspired to eventually re-float the ship of state after Captain Aquino drives it onto the shoals.

1 comment:

Artsy said...

"It is not only unavoidable that Noynoy Aquino will be the next President of the Philippines, it is necessary that he be elected, and by a landslide." - Amen to this. Great post. You have really nice thoughts about this issue.

I believe that Noynoy Aquino is the SAVIOR of the Philippines.