Is it my laptop or Firefox's revenge?

My three year old laptop has undergone like six reinstallations of Windows XP Media Center 2005. Recently I used some sort of partition magic to restructure the drives and also defragmented them. It drove me nuts (not really) because the end result I was looking forward to - speedy access of files and folders, apparently is not taking effect.

My programmer friend suggested I increase my 512MB RAM but I'm holding on to my money, what with the DDR being the most expensive of the series.

So yesterday I thought one little hurdle for accessing my Gmail under Chrome was on its way. I even told all the world about it in this blog! And today...I cannot open my Chrome. Did Firefox read my blog and did something overnight about the musing? To prove me wrong? The raves I had for Chrome are now applicable to good ol' Firefox!

Nah..I just think I need to say goodbye to my laptop and say hello to a new model. I can do that when I get to collect payments from my current client. And when it does happen, I will still think about it.

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