Italian minister wants crucifix added to flag

Italian minister wants crucifix added to flag

Publish Date: Monday,30 November, 2009, at 10:54 PM Doha Time

An Italian right-wing minister has proposed adding the crucifix to Italy 's national flag, claiming the Christian symbol was part of Europe 's true identity.

"I believe that Europe has the right to recognise its true identity that we are starting to lose completely," said Roberto Castelli, deputy minister for infrastructure and transportation.

Castelli is a member of the Northern League, a populist anti-immigrant party that is part of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's coalition. His proposal to add a crucifix to the Italian flag comes after the European Court for Human Rights ruled earlier this month that crucifixes in Italian schools violated the rights of parents to educate their children according to their convictions and the right of children to freedom of religion.

However, an opinion poll showed that 84% of Italians are in favour of displaying crucifixes in schools.

And a crucifix on a flag is not uncommon in Europe , noted Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini.
"Nine European countries already have the crucifix on their flag, it is an extremely common proposition," said Frattini.



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